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Lista de candidatos sometidos a examen:
1) speech community (*)
(*) Términos presentes en el nuestro glosario de lingüística

1) Candidate: speech community

Is in goldstandard

paper CO_Íkalatxt31 - : Language policies are interventions that take place to modify the use of a given language in a community. They are the expression of beliefs and ideologies that go beyond the academic sphere because they respond to economic and political agendas that may be open or hidden (Shohamy, 2006; Spolsky, 2004). Designed by politicians, but implemented by teachers, language policies are often top-down approaches. Spolsky (2004, p. 5) notes that policies are easily recognized when they ''exist in the form of clearcut labeled statements in official documents''. The author identifies three components in the language policy of a speech community: its language practices, its language beliefs or ideology and the specific efforts to modify that practice . Shohamy (2006, p.48) says that it is ''through language policies that decisions are made with regard to the preferred languages that should be used, where, when and by whom''. Tollefson (1991) sees language policies as an instrument of inequality as they

Evaluando al candidato speech community:

2) policies: 5

speech community
Lengua: eng
Frec: 47
Docs: 41
Nombre propio: / 47 = 0%
Coocurrencias con glosario:
Puntaje: 0.544 = ( + (1+2.58496250072116) / (1+5.58496250072116)));
Rechazado: mal tf-df: 114;

Referencias bibliográficas encontradas sobre cada término

(Que existan referencias dedicadas a un término es también indicio de terminologicidad.)
speech community
: 6. Dorian, Nancy. 1982. Defining the speech community to include its working margins. En Suzann Romaine (ed.) Sociolinguistic variation in speech communities, 25-33. Londres: Arnold.
: Chambers, J. K. (1980). Linguistic variation and Chomsky's homogenous speech community. En M. Kinloch & A. B. House (Eds.), Papers from the fourth Annual Meeting of the Atlantic Provinces Linguistics Association (pp. 1-32). Fredericton: University of New Brunswick.
: Gumperz, J. (1968). The speech community. International Encyclopedia of Social Sciences (pp. 381-386). London: McMillan.
: Ogbu, J. (1999). Beyond language: Ebonics, proper English, and identity in a black American speech community. American Educational Research Journal, 36(2), summer/ 99. doi: [249]https://doi.org/10.3102/00028312036002147
: Otheguy, R., Zentella, A. C., & Livert, D. (2007). Language and Dialect Contact in Spanish in New York: Toward the Formation of a Speech Community. Language, 83(4), 770-802. doi: [185]https://doi.org/10.1353/lan.2008.0019
: [100]Otheguy[101], Ricardo, Ana Celia Zentella y David Livert. [102]2007. Language Contact in Spanish in New York: Toward the formation of a speech community, Language 83, 4: 770-802.